This section deals with problems accessing the radios. As explained in the System Overview section, in order to access the radios themselves, host machines do need to be on the same subnet as the Mesh Rider Radios.
If you have never been able to access the radios, then the likely causes are:
If you previously were able to access the Mesh Rider Radio and can no longer do so, first do a sanity check on the items in the section above. Assuming your IP configuration is fine and the devices are connected, you can proceed with the recommendations below.
Make sure to power down any other Mesh Rider Radios in the network and only have the local Mesh Rider Radio powered. Change the IP configuration of your host machine and add a new IP address in the subnet. Attempt to access the Mesh Rider Radio at
3. First find out the index number of the interface connected to the Mesh Rider Radio. Open up a cmd prompt and type (ignore the $ sign)
$ netsh interface ipv6 show interfaces
Idx Met MTU State Name
--- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------------------------
1 75 4294967295 connected Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
16 35 1500 connected Ethernet
4. In this case, the index is 16. Next, run
$ ping -6 fe80::%16
Pinging fe80::%16 with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from fe80::%16: time=413ms
Reply from fe80::%16: time<1ms
Reply from fe80::%16: time=2ms
Reply from fe80::%16: time=1ms
5. Assuming the ping worked, we can check the ipv6 address of the Mesh Rider Radio with
$ netsh interface ipv6 show neighbors
Interface 16: Ethernet
Internet Address Physical Address Type
-------------------------------------------- ----------------- -----------
e80::230:1aff:fe4e:aabc 00-30-1a-4e-aa-bc Stale (Router)
a. From here, we can see the ipv6 address (in bold). Note that the corresponding physical address is starts with 00-30-1a which is true for all Doodle Labs products. So you can try logging in with
ssh root@fe80::230:1aff:fe4e:aabc%16
6. Once you are logged into the CLI, you can check the ipv4 address of the br-wan interface
root@smartradio:~# ip a show dev br-wan
6: br-wan: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:30:1a:4e:aa:26 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global br-wan
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet brd scope global br-wan
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::230:1aff:fe4e:aa26/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever